Human guinea pigs

In response to various irate and hostile articles and letters regarding animal experimentation, your readers might be interested in the following: A recent poll of 500 GPs in the United Kingdom showed that more than 80 per cent were concerned that animal data can be misleading when applied to humans, and 83 per cent said they would support an independent scientific evaluation of the clinical relevance of animal testing.

A recent Nuffield report, "The Ethics of Research Involving Animals", regarding a hypothetical past without animal experiments, said: "There may have been other options which could have produced acceptable levels of knowledge and healthcare ... It is conceivable that equally good or better progress might have been achieved with other methods ... It is sometimes assumed that to end animal research would be to end scientific and medical progress, but such generalisation is unhelpful."

Adverse reactions to (animal safety tested) drugs are now the fourth leading cause of death, after cancer, heart disease and stroke. The first humans to use a drug/procedure are the real guinea pigs.


Pinewood Avenue


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