Hot on warming

Bravo to Roy Turnbull (Letters, 23 September) for trouncing Neil Craig’s misrepresentation (Letters, 22 September) of research on Greenland ice melting. Mr Craig has repeatedly demanded examples of scientists who accept warming, but are not paid by the state.

Well, now he has one. Me. As I am an industrial chemist, he may object that my work is not in climate science. Likewise for the scientists working on low-carbon technologies for Shell, BP and Chevron, whose websites support the global warming consensus.

For non-state-funded climate scientists, who accept warming, he need only look at private universities like Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford and Yale.

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Of course he will not do this as it contradicts the deniers’ conspiracy theory of climate scientists promoting warming to keep the grants coming in. Or the related conspiracy theory in which it is all an excuse to raise taxes.

Never mind that even state-funded climate scientists continued to warn of warming during the Bush administration, even though it was the last thing the science-denying, tax-averse Republicans wanted to hear.

(Dr) Stephen Moreton

Marina Avenue

Warrington, Cheshire

Roy Turnball’s response to my letter (23 September) saying the recent claimed figure of Greenland melt is completely false agrees on that fact. He depends on the “imprecise nature of previous records” to deny certainty on this lack of melting, but that cuts both ways. If the records aren’t that good alarmists can’t rely on them to claim any warming, let alone catastrophism.

Moreover, he doesn’t dispute the fact that Antarctic ice is growing. Mr Turnball’s defence of Al Gore’s claim of 20ft sea level rise is disingenuous because Gore’s Inconvenient Truth film was not about the last ice age but about current alleged warming. The sea level claims were merely two among many convenient untruths in the film.

Mr Gore may be a Nobel winner enriched by the methods Sarah Palin recently denounced as “crony capitalism”, but he seems not seriously restricted by knowledge as his claims that smoking is a serious cause of global warming and that 2,000m down is “millions of degrees” hot shows.

Neil Craig

Woodlands Road
