Home discomforts

Stuart Housden, of the RSPB, and John Henderson, of the Peatland Partnership, go to great pains to defend the “Flow to the Future” project and the reputation of one of the largest and wealthiest conservation charities in the UK (Letters, 17 April).

They cite the “considerable local support”. Just to put things into context, “the majority” of people present at the public meeting mentioned by both do not live in Forsinard. And yet their “support” is deemed more relevant and important than the opinions, wishes and fears of the minority who live within spitting distance of the proposed field centre and viewing observatory. This minority – all the residents of Forsinard – are opposed to the building element of this project and our repeated attempts at reconciliation by way of suggestions of alternative sites have met with flat rejection. 

The entire community is dotted around the proposed site of a residential field centre that will have the potential to treble the hamlet’s population, and a viewing observatory that is hoped will attract another 10,000 visitors a year. And given that there are no businesses in this tiny hamlet, the residents are interested to know how we can enjoy the “substantial benefits to the local economy” promised by Mr Housden.




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