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it WAS fascinating to see pro-Union supporters desperately seeking to place interpretations on Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s speech, which he had taken great care to avoid (your reports). Also, for anyone outside of Ukip to wring their hands in horror at the ceding of some sovereignty, when one considers what membership of the European Union has entailed in this regard, is cynical in the extreme.

Jimmy Armstrong (Letters, 
1 February) criticises finance secretary John Swinney for a response he, Mr Swinney, gave regarding the benefits of monetary union, which I thought was perfectly fair and reasonable. Mr Armstrong calls for more integrity. Perhaps he could start by displaying some himself as he, along with everyone else and their granny, cannot be unaware that the term “Project Fear” was not coined by the SNP. No, this was how the staff at Better Together chose to describe their work and it neatly characterises their strategy thus far.

Douglas Turner

Derby Street
