Goose population

Scottish National Heritage's claim (your report, 24 November) that "the increase [in numbers of geese] was linked to stronger legal protection" is not entirely true.

Of the four major migratory geese species which winter in Scotland, two, the Barnacle and Greenland-white fronted, are protected. In both cases, their status results from falls in populations resulting from a number of factors, including habitat loss both in Scotland and on their breeding grounds. A small number are still shot under licence, where population densities are at their highest.

The other two species, the Pink-footed Goose and the Icelandic Greylag, remain legal quarry. They make up the vast majority of the Scottish over-wintering goose population.

The record numbers celebrated by SNH are mainly the result of the dramatic growth in the Pink-foot count.


Chief Executive

Scottish Countryside Alliance



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