Gaps in history

Like Andrew HN Gray (Letters, 8 April), I am disturbed by the Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS) history website. Being a lifelong reader of history, mainly Scottish, I long ago came to the conclusion that all popular accounts consist of a very small part fact.

At best, the bulk is informed opinion, at worst sheer propaganda achieved by distortion or omission. The LTS presentation, from the few snatches I have read, appears to lean very much to the latter propaganda version of Scottish history, though sadly also inclines to distortion. Is this the Scottish response to the books on "British" (ie English) history which, in my long-ago schooldays, were the enforced staple diet of history students in Scottish schools?

Surely we can avoid making fools of ourselves on the worldwide web.


Kirklands Road

Terregles, Dumfries

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