Few are called

The past few years have proven very trying for evangelicals within the Church of Scotland. The feelings of disappointment cannot be underestimated at the two decisions taken at the General Assemblies of 2009 and 2011 (“We have been betrayed, says minister as he quits over gay clergy”, 4 October).

To many it has led to a time of real heart searching and reassessment of one’s calling as a minister, elder and member of the Kirk. I cannot and would not persuade anyone to stay and work against his or her conscience because the call of God to minister/serve within the Kirk needs to be clear and heartfelt.

If some are called to leave then leave on the basis of being called away to other work and if others are called to stay then stay on the basis of being called to be fully part of the Kirk.

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My one thought, however, for those who are in the process of re-evaluating their call to (in particular) ministry is this: as far as I read the New Testament Jesus’ call is for the shepherd to lay down his/her life for the sheep and not the other way round.

In other words, the sheep are not to be sacrificed on behalf of the shepherd. The flock needs its shepherd now more than ever. To those thinking and praying and seeking guidance I offer these words.

(Rev) Jim Stewart

Letham St Marks

Rannoch Road Perth