'Factory farm' danger

The latest human health scare, avian flu, is again being linked to the intensive farming of animals. Is it more than a coincidence that, as developing countries convert to more intensive animal farming systems, there is almost a parallel increase in the spread of animal diseases such as avian flu? As has been proved, some of these diseases can cross the species barrier, with deadly consequences.

On intensive "factory" chicken farms, tens of thousands of birds can be crammed into dark, windowless sheds. Invariably, the sheds are cleaned out only after each "crop" of birds has been "raised", causing the birds to live their brief lives amid their own faeces and urine. Such farms not only cause untold animal suffering, but they also provide excellent breeding grounds for animal diseases.

Intensive animal farming is detrimental to animal welfare, the environment and, as is increasingly being realised, human health.


Director, Advocates for Animals

Queensferry Street


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