EU: Yes or No?

David Cameron’s insistence that an independent Scotland would be regarded as a new state is currently a very effective part of “Project Fear”, as evidenced by the number of letters in these pages, such as those of Donald Lewis (16 and 19 April).

If the Prime Minister maintains this stance in the event of a Yes vote, that may well lead to the problems Mr Lewis foresees, for both Scotland and the rest of the UK. Most Scots have been European Union citizens for half their lives, and many hold EU passports. The EU has procedures that could fast-track an application if it chose to do so.

On the other hand, once his need for Project Fear is past, Mr Cameron may admit that the Union of 1707 had conditions that have been ignored, so that Scotland is entitled to dissolve it. That would leave both parties equally restored to pre-
Union independence, then both Scotland and the rUK would be successor states, with a seamless transition. When will David Cameron tell us what he proposes in the event of a vote to pull out of the EU in his referendum?

John Smart

Kinneddar Street

Lossiemouth, Moray