Equality then?

Tim Maguire of the Humanist Society (Letters, 8 November) is surely correct to argue that religious voices should be heard without “privilege”.

But what’s sauce for the goose… why should the Humanist Society or the various secular sects be given the privilege of only their philosophy and position being allowed in state-funded schools?

Garry Otton (Letters, same day) informs us that the Edinburgh Secular Society has a massive membership of 30 whereas the Scottish Secular Society has more than 800.

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So 0.005 per cent of the population is demanding that the whole education system be run according to their ideals.

The kind of secularism represented by the more militant secular societies is not neutral and is virulently anti-religious (just go to their Facebook page to see the constant mockery and abuse of religious people).

If the state is going to renege on its legal promise to have a Christian education system then at the very least we should be allowed diversity and equality, where our children can be educated according to our Christian principles, rather than having them left to the tender mercies of the more fundamentalist atheists who think they have a divine right to govern everyone.

David Robertson

Solas CPC

St Peters Free Church

St Peter Street


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