Enough of this Lib Dem double speak

In announcing that the state of the economy is equivalent to being at war, Vince Cable appears to forget that we are at war (your report, 20 September).

The doomed Afghanistan war continues to cost billions, and the UK’s involvement in Libya is costing millions, but there seems to be no shortage of money for the funding of those projects.

Indeed, only last week, Mr Cable’s colleague, the Prime Minister, was promising Libyans handouts, not cut backs.

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Mr Cable tells us that this is “not the time for business as usual, or politics as usual” then goes on to take a swipe at both Labour for its mishandling of the UK economy when in power, and those Tories who want an end to the 50p top rate of income tax.

However, we have the assurances of the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, that it is perfectly all right for Lib Dems to be “rude” about their Conservative coalition partners in government.

In other words, this party conference is all about playing to the gallery, an attempt to assure Lib Dem members and the few voters left who still take the Lib Dems seriously, that they are not Tories, honest. It certainly sounds to me like the same old “politics as usual”.

Ruth Marr

Grampian Road


I felt I must write to say how deeply touched I am by the English Liberals showing such an altruistic interest in the welfare of us poor Scots.

They are, it would seem, deeply concerned with the defence of our country; the question does remain, however: who is it that we have to defend ourselves against?

They also show a deep and touching concerned for our financial welfare when London would not be able to look after us. All this interest is above selflessness; it is sublime.

Having a devious mind, as I do, I do wonder if the loss of oil and a seat on the Security Council form any part of their thinking? Tush, of course not.

R Mill Irving

Station Road

Gifford, East Lothian