End the obsession

Stan Grodynski and Thomas Burgess (Letters, 30 April) and the rest of their SNP ilk keep calling for independent facts regarding the consequences of separation from the UK.

We have had reports from the CBI, the Office of Budget Responsibility, the president of the European Union and just recently from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland described by Mr Burgess as “blethers” who speak to accountants in England. Because none of these reports said what the Nationalists wanted to hear, they were branded scare stories.

The Nationalists are right on one count, however: the situations as described by these reports are scary to anyone who has half a brain and an open mind. But I will rest easy in the sure knowledge that we will have a resounding No vote and see an end of this expensive distraction, which must be having a harmful effect on Scotland and the UK while inward investors delay and consider their options and our politicians neglect the business of the moment in pursuit of their obsession.

Donald Lewis


East Lothian