Electoral figures

I NOTE that my SNP MSP, Sandra White, presumably anticipating a rejection in 2014 of independence by the Scottish people – whose rights she so ardently professes to support – believes a landslide victory for her party two years later in the parliamentary election would justify a rerun of the referendum to allow us a chance to correct our mistake (your report, 24 December). She seems to believe that, while a vote of 50.01 per cent in favour of independence should result in the dissolution of the Union, a vote in favour of the status quo by exactly the same low percentage means the people of Scotland must have been hoodwinked or mistaken and so denied their rights and need another chance to express their views. Such political shenanigans treats us, the electorate, like fools.

Our politicians should take the opportunity of this further wee holiday to get away back into the real world and reflect on such 
reality so that they return afresh in the new year to start treating us, the people, with respect and honesty.

Dr A Rodger

Clairmont Gardens