
So shadow foreign secretary DOUGIE Alexander, so aptly described by Alex Salmond as “someone who’s never done a proper job in his whole life”, wants Scottish Labour to “reconnect” (your report, 13 October).

As one of Alexander’s long- suffering constituents – he’s only appeared at election times for nigh-on 14 years, while Paisley and Johnstone fell apart under Labour rule on his watch.

We had half a century of a Labourite monopoly of MPs and councils, and saw Scotland slide into a land of near-slums while they feather-nested their relatives and party members into cushy council jobs with fat taxpayer-subsidised pensions the rest of us could only dream of.

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The “people’s party” was given a chance longer than most dictatorships get, and did hee-haw for donkey’s years.

They can expect, therefore, to be out on their asses for decades to come.

Mark Boyle

Linn Park Gardens

Johnstone, Renfrewshire