In defence of goats

With regard to the proposed cull of goats on the Knoydart peninsula (your report, 21 September). Angela Williams of the Knoydart Foundation only seems to tell part of the story, the rest of which is that so-called conservationists decided to evict the goats from a gorge, where their population had been stable for years, so they could plant trees. Forced out of their closed habitat, the goat population expanded due to increased resources, as happens with all mammals.

It's a pity the people of Knoydart, fuelled by tourist organisations posing as conservationists, might be persuaded to kill these animals on an estate of 17,200 acres where it seems there is little room for tolerance and even less room for a few goats.

ANGUS MACMILLAN, Meikle Boturich, near Balloch, Dunbartonshire