Cut the junkets

Raising taxes is one of the few options left to the SNP, according to Eddie Barnes (Perspective, 29 August), in order to pay for things for people who could previously afford to pay themselves. It has refused point blank to sell off Scottish Water, for 
example, and still insists on free home care provision, even for the mega-rich.

Unfortunately, workers and pensioners on low incomes must pick up the tab for this dogma-driven policy in their taxes.

And still they prattle on endlessly about their “shovel-ready” projects, only held up because of Westminster cuts and yet, once more, the truth and the SNP line seem light years apart.

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The costs of bidding for contracts in Scotland are a “lottery” and “prohibitively high” for Scottish companies – according to the Scottish Building Federation (your report, 27 August). 
It is hard to blame that on 

Here is a modest start to solving the problem: Mr Salmond could cut out entirely the junkets to China and the USA and all the other photo opportunities he endlessly indulges in 

The millions saved could be used in easing the burden on Scottish companies bidding for contracts.

All it would cost is the denting of an already gargantuan ego.

Alexander McKay

New Cut Rigg
