Cruel bullfighting

IT WAS disappointing to read the article promoting the cruel ‘sport’ of bullfighting (‘Fiesta forever’, Spectrum Magazine, April 25).

More than 40,000 bulls are slaughtered in Spanish rings each year. Bulls are often tortured and deliberately debilitated before a bullfight by being beaten, drugged and kept in the dark. Once released into the ring they are subjected to unimaginable cruelty using a lance, hand-held harpoons, a sword and knives. Finally, their ears and tails are cut off as trophies for the matadors. Often the bulls are still alive as they are tied by the horns and dragged out of the ring.

How can such cruel and degrading spectacles be justified on the grounds of ‘culture’ or ‘tradition’? Opinion polls have consistently shown that Spaniards would like bullfighting to end - some Spanish cities have already outlawed all bullfighting and bull runs. Sadly, it is tourists that are largely responsible for keeping this tradition alive.

Ross Minett, Advocates for Animals, Edinburgh

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