Costly electrification

The level of interest in the electrification of Eigg and the issues raised by the project is pleasing to those of us involved in the project.

The continuing debate seems to ignore the cost of putting a high-voltage infrastructure on to an island with dispersed properties.

The 1.6 million total cost was made up as follows: cabling (more than 20km) 650,000; control building (including batteries, inverters, control system) 200,000; hydro generation (112kw) 300,000; wind generation (24kw) 150,000; PV generation (10kw) 200,000; diesel (2 x 80kw) 50,000; metering 50,000.

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The diesel back-up is only to allow for periods in the summer when the rivers dry up, the wind doesn't blow and the solar power is insufficient to keep the three-day battery supply topped up. All renewable sources provide energy at no additional cost whereas diesel generation requires diesel that has to travel by ferry.

The community is to be commended for what it has achieved.


Managing director, Synergie Scotland Ltd

Fairways Business Park
