Climate scaremongers

At last, in Bill Jamieson (Opinion, 22 February) we have a Scottish journalist who is willing to dispute the global warming alarmists who say all climate change is caused by humans and the we produce.

These reports are just a lot of scaremongering by the advocates of the global warming theory, and The Scotsman now appears to be questioning this rhetoric.

United States satellite data for January shows the extent of snow cover in the northern hemisphere at its highest level since 1966. Temperatures were lower than their average for the whole of the 20th century. There were snowfalls last year in Buenos Aires and Sydney. This winter, ice cover round the Antarctic is 30 per cent above average since data began in 1979.


Springfield Road

Linlithgow, West Lothian

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In reply to Neil Craig (Letters, 25 February) and Professor Anthony Trewavas (Alternative Take, same date), is this the start of reasoned debate to oppose the political nonsense being touted in the interest of taxation?

I would like to further the debate by drawing to your attention that one of the main points used by Al Gore in his film An Inconvenient Truth has been discredited. The source of the Aral Sea was diverted by Russian engineers many years ago and, in January, after a long period of negotiation, the sluice gates were reopened. The sea has returned to destroy Mr Gore's evidence.


Broadmeadow House

Muckhart, Clackmannanshire