Climate clanger

It HAS been a bad, bad week for the green lobby, climate change zealots and the renewables industry. The supposed “consensus” on man-made global warming was kicked into touch after the release of data proving that the planet has not warmed for 15 years.

This was based on 30,000 measuring stations around the world. Next was the rebellion by more than 100 MPs who wrote to David Cameron urging him to cut the lavish, counterproductive subsidies given to wind power.

Figures were published showing that, to meet our legally binding CO2 reduction targets, we would have to build 32,000 wind turbines.

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Then, in a massive body blow to the German global-warming movement, a new book was released which was written by a prominent socialist, green activist and environmental figure, Professor Dr Fritz Vahrenholt.

He is now criticising the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for sloppiness and deception and says claims of a so-called climate catastrophe are fear-mongering.

The Germans have now realised the renewables gravy train is not sustainable. They managed to pull down the Berlin Wall so now expect them to do the same with climate-change mythology.

Clark Cross

Springfield Road