Climate chaos

Tom Ballantine is well paid by Stop Climate Chaos Scotland to perpetuate the myth of global warming, climate change, climate chaos or whatever the current buzzwords are (Letters, 2 September). Perhaps he did not read your scathing editorial, “Chilling results from carbon data” (1 September).

Sceptics like myself point out that increasing numbers of scientists doubt the fundamental CO²/climate-change link, as evidence accumulates against it.

The recent Cloud experiment at Cern provides compelling evidence for the alternative theory that climate change is driven largely by the sun.

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Inconveniently for Mr Ballantine, and those of his ilk, US scientists have reported that the Earth’s temperature has declined between 1998 and 2008 but CO² increased. China and India and the developing world have no intention of reducing CO².

Russia, Canada, Japan and now Holland have withdrawn from the Kyoto accord. The EU, Australia and New Zealand have 14 per cent of global emissions and of this Britain has 2.0 per cent and Scotland 0.2 per cent.

For this we have climate change officials in every council, every government organisation, in so-called charities like WWF, RSPB and in every nook and cranny, all paid for by the taxpayer.

Time for a cull.

Clark Cross

Springfield Road


Tom Ballantyne has cheered me up.

As I dig myself out of this winter’s snow and ice, it will be much easier knowing that I am shovelling climate, and not that dreadful weather stuff.

Malcolm Parkin

Gamekeepers Road

Kinnesswood, Kinross

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