Clarion call

The Union isn’t about the ­Tories, what currency we use, or North Sea oil. It isn’t about the past 20 years or the next 30.

It is about the fishermen of Peterhead standing shoulder to shoulder with the fishermen of Grimsby. It’s about the miners of Midlothian standing shoulder to shoulder with the miners of ­Glamorgan.

The same goes for the farmers of East Lothian and East Lincolnshire; the nurses of Cumbernauld and Cumbria; the dockers on the Clyde and the Tyne and the hill farmers of the Mournes and the Highlands.

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It’s about the triumph of solidarity, humanity and common purpose, triumph of difference without division, of co-operation over conflict.

It’s a noble institution that has delivered peace, security, demo­cracy, stability and prosperity to hundreds of millions of people over three centuries, an unprecedented achievement in human history, and its triumph has rested on what the SNP rejects.

There is no morality in ­shattering the most successful political enterprise of modern times and sowing division and disharmony.

There is no morality in nationalism, which puts the narrow interest before the common good and love of neighbour.

Michael Calwell

Oxford Street
