Cheap shots

How disappointing to read Hugh Reilly's vitriolic review of The Scheme (Education & Learning, 2 June). His cheap shots at the people and the area of Onthank perhaps give an insight into the attitudes that many teachers may have in schools "serving" deprived communities.

The failure of successive governments to introduce a more progressive tax system and manage a mixed economy – where more opportunity for poorer families to enhance their education skills coincided with a more polarised educational system; more emphasis on exam results than curriculum, parents choice, – sent educational standards in this country on a downward spiral.

It would be better for Reilly and his ilk to help edify their schools and communities, rather than indulge in the bashing of people who are easy to target because their schooling suffered for the variety of social problems that those who should know better have done nothing to improve.


Maidencraig Court


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