Capital streets for war march

THIS Thursday (March 6), the anti-war movement will take to the streets again, this time in Edinburgh. We intend to march to the Scottish parliament to announce, again, that we, the majority, believe war with Iraq remains completely indefensible.

Whether or not Tony Blair and George W Bush manage to buy, cajole or bully a second resolution out of the United Nations their case remains suspect.

Tony Blair has put forward a constantly changing case for war. He began by arguing the real aim of a pre-emptive strike on Iraq was the "disarmament of Saddam". Then he argued for a "war on terrorism", highlighting spurious links between al-Qaida and Saddam, before pausing at the appalling "human rights abuses" in Iraq. At least now he is more honest, arguing this is about a US-brokered "regime change" in Baghdad.

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I favour regime change in Iraq, but believe it is a matter for the Iraqi people. It is not for George W Bush or Tony Blair to decide. I support any measure designed to help democracy in Iraq where people determine their own future free from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and the imperial interests of the USA.

This war is not about democracy or about enabling the Iraqi people to take charge of their own affairs. If Afghanistan is anything to go by it will be about replacing one warlord hostile to the US with another who isn’t.

Colin Fox, Scottish Socialist Party Calton Road, Edinburgh