Calls to ban Israel exhibition 'shameful'

I write to express contempt for those who clearly scorn freedom of speech and of expression in Scotland in their letter "Ban this event" (24 April).

They call for cancellation of the Scottish Parliament's exhibition, promoted by Scottish Friends of Israel, which simply highlights the contribution by the people of Israel to medicine, science and technology during the 62 years of their country's existence.

The e-petition to which the letter writers allude has been treated by the parliament's petitions committee as largely irrelevant and "without locus". In fact, the published petition reveals that the majority of its signatories do not live in Scotland.

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The parliamentary motion lodged by Patrick Harvie MSP has been ignored by the vast majority of MSPs. Indeed, a member of the petitions committee insisted: "MSPs should have the right to bring in exhibitions and I would be very concerned if this committee was preventing that."

The recent calls for a boycott of the Jewish state smacks of racism and manifestations of the oldest hatred in 1930s Germany. When "pro-Palestinians" in Scotland spend more time in activities truly supportive of Palestinians rather than directed to harming Israel, they may qualify to be taken seriously.


Scottish Friends of Israel

It is hard to put into words the shock and horror I felt reading the letter from the so-called Scottish Jews for a Just Peace calling for the exhibition of Israeli medicine, science and technology at the Scottish Parliament to be banned.

I wonder if the principles of Sarah Glyn and the other signatories to this outrageous call have the courage of their convictions to ensure they do not allow themselves to benefit from any of the remarkable Israeli inventions and medical, scientific and technological advances that have been shared with the rest of the world.

I was rather surprised Ms Glyn had been able to contact you to submit her letter as no doubt she used a computer or possibly voice mail, both of which are dependent on Israeli technology. And I do hope none of them carry mobile phones.

I hope should she fall ill with breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and many other medical conditions that she checks before she allows herself to be subscribed any of the life-saving drugs that Israel has developed. Doctors who have called for a ban on the exhibition should be truly ashamed that they want to deprive their patients of the best treatment available in the world.

While Israeli Arabs and many Palestinians openly declare they would not wish to live anywhere else but Israel, it is beyond belief there are those who can only spread hate and misinformation. What chance is there of peace between Palestinians and Israelis if there are Jews as far away as Scotland who seek to prevent any conciliation or sharing of expertise?


Marchbank Drive

Cheadle, Cheshire

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I have seldom, if ever, seen a more ignorant and flagrantly scandalous piece of writing (Sarah Glynn etc). The fact that they claim to be Jews adds to the opprobrium. To start with, Gaza is not occupied by Israel, but by Hamas, supposedly elected.

Israel did not kill and maim "thousands" in its legitimate attack on targets from which rockets had traumatised, killed and injured Israeli citizens for eight years. Israelnot only supplies its enemies with money and goods, but also treats its enemies, free of charge, in its hospitals. For these mercies, Israel is relentlessly slandered and pilloried by self-hating Jews and the western media.

It is time for all of them to acknowledge the technological, medical, agricultural and other benefits that Israel has given the world. The Scottish Parliament, to its credit, is making small amends and is to be wholeheartedly congratulated for this exhibition on its premises.


North Castle Street

St Andrews, Fife