Anyone but us

In his search for answers as to why there is an Anyone But England (ABE) feeling among Scots football fans, Alan Massie, (Opinion, 30 march) fails to spot the most obvious reason.

That is, to receive the television coverage of a tournament through the eyes of another nation when your own nation has not qualified breeds an understandable resentment.

This is the scenario for Scottish fans who find that taking joy in cheering on the demise of the England team is a release from the frustrations of having to watch World Cups through the perspective of your biggest footballing rival.

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Let's face it. If England failed to qualify but Germany did and English fans could only watch the tournament via German television, it is an absolute certainty that an Anyone But Germany feeling would, quite understandably and very quickly, surface.



North Queensferry

I am already weary of the argument as to whether Scots should or should not back England's football team in the forthcoming World Cup (Opinion, 30 March). I will therefore join the 40 per cent of internationalist minded Scots who intend to support another nations' efforts.

In my case it will be South Korea. I have never been there and probably never will, however they currently make the most stunning and innovative films created by any nation on the planet.

It may have nothing to do with football but it's a good enough reason for me.


Webster's Land


It should surprise nobody that Alex Salmond "backs England" for the World Cup (your report, 29 March). He's a shrewd punter and will have money on other runners.

But why do our opponents persist in the myth that we nationalists are anti-English since we oppose their archaic Union?


Oxgangs Drive


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