An unenforceable ban?

The master of the Buccleuch Hunt, Trevor Adams, may have been cleared of illegal fox-hunting on a delicate technical and legal point (the difference between hounds chasing and killing a fox and driving it towards guns), but is the ban on hunting in Scotland unenforceable?

There is a clear, basic ethical and legal argument for enforcement that can be presented effectively to the judiciary and law enforcers.

The League Against Cruel Sports was founded 80 years ago on the sound moral principle of ending deliberate cruelty and violence in the interests of sport (while encouraging healthy and decent outdoor sports).

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The Church of Scotland condemns "exploitation and cruelty", the Methodist Church condemns "patently cruel sports", and the Pope has reminded us on more than one occasion of our "serious obligation to behave responsibly" to animals.


Rushton Drive, Bramhall

Stockport, Cheshire

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