Talk of the Town: Turn that bleeping racket down now

“YOU can’t please everyone all of the time.” So says the famous proverb the council’s road department has been trying its hardest to disprove.

In a feat of true diligence, the department has had to twice alter the volume of a pedestrian crossing in Stockbridge following complaints about noise – or lack of. And once they raised the bleeping volume to an acceptable level, the following gripe was lodged by a resident, one of two submitted on the subject.

“The beep on pedestrian crossing is so loud,” it reads.

“Can the noise be turned down as it is frequently used and very irritating. Especially when trying to rest/sleep.”

Noisy neighbours

FROM complaints of loud machines to loud students.

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Residents of West Bryson Road, in the Shandon area of the city, were awoken by a party at nearby student halls of residence on Monday night.

Anyone living near such a block knows to expect a degree of noise, given the youthful excitedness of the occupants.

And when the revelry from Edinburgh Napier students crept above the acceptable, some woke up and expressed their dismay.

Though for those who had managed to sleep through it, the arrival of the university’s security team made sure of the disturbance.

One householder told the Evening News: “The first I knew of the noise was when a walkie-talkie as loud as a ghetto blaster made itself known as the guys trying to crack down on the noise simply added to it.”

The price is right

WHEN those who like a meal out are asked what the best thing about going to a restaurant in 1992 was, they will almost certainly say the prices.

You may need to remortgage or take a bank loan out now for a night out in Edinburgh.

But for one night only, a popular restaurant is celebrating its anniversary by setting its prices from two decades ago.

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Chez Jules, run by the colourful Pierre Levicky, will offer three-course meals for only £5.90 on November 22.

Not to be sniffed at

IF city women begin to give off a bit of a whiff any time soon, researchers may know why.

Following a study in the Capital by the firm Severn Delta, it has emerged that a quarter of women are allergic to deodorant.

That is thanks to range of salts and chemicals used in many products, experts said.

Just as well it’s going to be a cold winter.

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