On this day: Pele retires from football, aged 36

Pheasant shooting begins.
National day of Nigeria, China and Cyprus
331BC: Alexander the Great defeated Darius III of Persia at the Battle of Gaugamela (close to the modern city of Mosul, Iraq).
1568: The Bannatyne MS, the most extensive collection of early Scottish poetry extant, was made by George Bannatyne, an Edinburgh merchant, while staying at Newtyle in Angus to escape the plague.
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Hide Ad1763: The contract to construct the North Bridge, Edinburgh, was signed.
1792: Money orders were first issued in Britain.
1814: The Congress of Vienna began –to redraw the map of Europe following the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte.
1838: Britain’s first Afghan war, to prevent increasing Russian influence threatening British position in India.
1864: Seventy thousand people were killed when a cyclone struck Calcutta.
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Hide Ad1870: The first official issue of the postcard was made in Britain by the Post Office, together with the introduction of the halfpenny postage stamp.
1890: Yosemite National Park was established.
1903: The first baseball world Series began. The Boston Americans defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates 5-3.
1908: Henry Ford introduced the model T car for $850 - within 18 years his production techniques reduced that to $310.
1918: Arab forces under the command of TE Lawrence (“of Arabia”) captured Damascus.
1923: Failure of Black Reichswehr coup in Germany.
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Hide Ad1926: An oil field accident cost aviator Wiley Post his left eye. He used the settlement money to buy his first aircraft.
1931: Britain’s first traffic lights were installed as an experiment in Oxford Street, London.
1938: Germany annexed Sudetenland (approximately one-third of Czechoslovakia) following the Munich Agreement.
1949: The People’s Republic was founded in China, with Mao Tsetung its chairman.
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Hide Ad1960: Nigeria achieved independence within the Commonwealth.
1961: First edition of Songs of Praise was broadcast.
1962: BBC transmitted first edition of the Tonight show.
1966: Speer and von Schirach were released from Spandau, leaving Rudolf Hess the sole prisoner from the Nazi war trials.
1969: Concorde 001 broke the sound barrier for the first time during a test flight in France.
1971: Disneyworld, the world’s largest amusement park, opened in Florida.
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Hide Ad1974: The first McDonald’s opened in London to speed up the fast-food revolution.
1977: Pele retired from football after 1,363 games, in which the Brazilian scored 1,281 goals.
1982: Internal telegrams in Britain were abolished.
1992: Japanese scientists denied that a malfunction in a reactor near Tokyo had threatened a core meltdown.
1995: British shops were forced to observe a European Commission directive and switch to metric system of weights, or face fines of up to £5,000.
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Hide Ad2009: The Supreme Court took over the judicial functions of the House of Lords.
Births: 1890 Stanley Holloway, singer and comedy actor; 1903 Vladimir Horowitz, pianist and composer; 1906 John Lorne Campbell, Scottish historian, farmer, environmentalist and folklore scholar; 1920 Walter Matthau, actor; 1928 Laurence Harvey, actor; 1930 Richard Harris, actor;
Deaths: 1768 Robert Simson, Scottish mathematician; 1838 Charles Tennant, Scottish chemist and industrialist; 1972 Louis Leakey, archaeologist and anthropologist; 1999 Lena Zavaroni, Greenock-born singer.