‘Lower prices and availability are to blame’

THESE figures show that Scots are drinking 23 per cent more alcohol than people elsewhere in the UK, and a lot of this is made up of spirits, writes Evelyn Gillan.

We have to be concerned about the amount of spirits we are drinking and these figures reveal the large amount, for example, of vodka we consume.

Lower prices and greater availability have been driving increased consumption, though it is less clear why Scotland has been more badly affected than other parts of the UK.

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There is aggressive promotion of alcohol now. Our young people are growing up saturated with pro-alcohol messages.

Compared to the 1960s, alcohol has now become an ordinary grocery item and we have seen rising supermarket purchases. Other countries don’t have the same level of availability.

We have a vast uphill struggle when it comes to tackling alcohol misuse. But we know what needs to be done and we just need to go ahead and do it. The latest evidence just confirms that the time for talking is gone and we have to get on and try to reduce this problem.

l Evelyn Gillan is chief executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland.

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