Leader: Time travelling in search of civic pride

urgesses – remember those? Well, only just. These ancient civic titles in Scotland date back to medieval times, when the freemen of the country’s most prominent communities were charged with guarding a burgh’s laws and customs. They began to disappear in the 19th century, as an earlier generation of modernisers and municipal image-buffers got to work.

In return for good civic works, burgesses were granted lucrative trading privileges, often under Royal Charters.

Now Dundee City Council says it plans to resurrect the long defunct office of Burgess of Dundee. It’s part of a programme to promote civic pride, relieve hardship and advance education in the city.

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The Lord Provost and other leading citizens have united to form the “City of Dundee Burgess Charity”, inviting native Dundonians, committed to promoting community spirit and civic pride within the city, to join their ranks – at £50 a time.

Perhaps Edinburgh could resurrect burgesses. They could be draped in fine robes and sent along Princes Street with collecting tins to help raise money for the trams. And while we’re at it, why not bring back Town Criers to read out the news? Far too much has fallen victim to municipal modernism.