Leader comment: A word of thanks to Scotland's volunteers

In particular, a mention for Josh Littlejohn of Social Bite whose Sleep in the Park event has now raised more than £4 million towards tackling homelessness and its causes. Yesterday, Social Bite was open again to serve food to the homeless and provide a little festive cheer on the most dreich of days.
Elsewhere, Hearts and Hibs football clubs served a full Christmas dinner to more than 200 people at their grounds in Edinburgh. This was an event made possible through the strong leadership and vision of two women – Hibs chief executive Leeann Dempster and Hearts owner Ann Budge – who realise that the role of their football clubs does not begin and end with what happens on the field.
All of this is a humbling example of what we can do when we set aside traditional rivalries and work together toward common goals.
We salute you. A very happy and peaceful Christmas to you all.