From the Archive: Gretna Green marriage
Miss Joyce Ida Dickens, of Lewisham, London, a well-known reliability trial driver, was married at the village smithy at Gretna Green to Mr Charles Doble, of Beechwood Avenue, Kew Gardens. Mr Rennison, the blacksmith, said: “I noticed the couple arrive in a small sports car on Wednesday evening. They came to me and I agreed to marry them. Mr Doble said he had been travelling on business in Scotland, and had stayed 21 days at Berwick-on-Tweed. His bride told me she had left London on the previous midnight, and had driven throughout the early hours to pick up Mr Doble. She confided to me that she had always wanted a romantic Gretna Green marriage. Miss Dickens said they were going to drive back immediately to London.” Mr Doble himself is a motorist, and his bride is a member of the Women’s Amateur Sports Association.