Cartoons of the week: 8-14 September

ANDY MURRAY finally won his maiden Grand Slam; the TUC conference took place and a cabinet reshuffle at Westminster all grabbed our cartoonists’ attention.

Before that, however, issues were again raised about Scotland’s position should the population vote for independence - with Salmond clinging to the ‘British’ pound in the hands of the Bank of England.

The cabinet reshuffle drew complaints that Cameron had protected certain MPs whilst Alex Salmond was depicted longing for a victory like Andy Murray’s in New York.

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The First Minister’s promise to make public legal documents to do with an independent Scotland and its position in the EU prompted our cartoonist to wonder how Salmond might broach the subject, whilst news that talks had begun between the SNP government and the Westminster coalition sparked a gloomy depiction of the talks by our cartoonist late in the week.