Man’s best Buddy to front charity appeal

A DOG with a potentially fatal illness has been chosen to front a new charity campaign.

Eight-year-old Yorkshire terrier Buddy, who lives with his owner in the city’s West End, will be the face of the PDSA’s Sponsor Me Better appeal.

The pooch suffers from Cushing’s Disease, a condition which causes extreme thirst and fur loss.

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Owner Sylvia Di Ciacca, 72, explained the impact the charity had on her own case.

She said: “Buddy and I moved back home to Scotland in May 2010 but by the winter his fur was disappearing and he was looking very old.

“He just wasn’t his usual self at all.

“At first I thought it was the change in climate but when his condition didn’t improve I began to worry.

“I was devastated when the vet told me he has Cushing’s disease. He’s always been such a happy and strong dog.

“Without the PDSA I couldn’t afford his long-term treatment.

“Things have changed very drastically in my life since my husband died and I have no idea how I would have paid for his treatment every month.”

The dog’s image will now appear on posters and promotional material in a bid to persuade members of the public to provide financial support to animals facing lengthy and life-threatening illnesses.