Joanna Neary is Pan's Person


JOANNA NEARY takes her audience on a journey through 13 different character sketches, each one so different and accomplished it is clear this is a woman with considerable talent.

She becomes the mad gap year girl who talks as though everything is a question? Les Miserables, the Aussie comic who helps people look on the bright side of life. The doe-eyed Cockney telling her hairdresser all about her mum's advice.

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Her range of accents is amazing - she convincingly does no less than nine different English accents, yet the obvious choices of Brummie or Geordie are nowhere to be heard.

Some of the characters might be a bit of an acquired taste, but for the most part this is great entertainment, and you will leave feeling like you've met at least one or two of Neary's creations before.

• Until August 28