It's art … or money down the plughole

A COUNCIL has been accused of pouring money down the drain after spending £1.2 million on an arts project - which includes a giant four-foot plug-hole.

• All a matter of taste: iron heads are just one piece in the project Picture: Sam Hardie

The installation also features three iron heads, a giant stick of gelignite and three huge chocolate snowballs. North Lanarkshire Council, behind the project in Coatbridge, claims the area has been brightened up by their spending, which also includes a tiled beat-the-goalie statue.

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The project, called the Bank Street Basin, was officially unveiled this week. Planning convener James Coyle said: "It has transformed this area of Coatbridge and I'm sure the cakes, plugs and exploding gelignite will bring a smile to the faces of people for years to come."

But Fiona McEvoy, of the Tax Payers' Alliance, said: "North Lanarkshire Council should put frontline services before giant teacakes and iron plugholes."