In case of emergency: 999 call priorities

GRADE 1 (Emergency) - Calls that require immediate attendance regardless of other matters.

For example, calls which indicate serious and immediate threat to life, personal safety or property, resulting from an ongoing/imminent serious crime, or road accidents where someone has been injured.

GRADE 2 (High Priority) - Calls that require immediate attendance, but where commitments to Grade 1 and Grade 2 calls mean it is not possible to attend immediately.

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GRADE 3 (Standard Priority)- Calls that will be attended as soon as possible with due regard to Grade 1 and 2 calls.

GRADE 4 (Discretionary Priority) Calls that may be resolved by telephone reporting or attended by officers at a time convenient to the caller and police.

GRADE 5 (Resolution without Deployment) - Calls that can be resolved by the person taking the call or by referral to another agency.