Heaven can wait: long lives hit congregations

CHURCH leaders long to know why congregations are dwindling. Sex abuse scandals, lack of leadership and a general secularisation of society have all been blamed.

But now researchers believe they have found the key - the nation's ageing population is putting off "finding God".

A study by academics in Scotland and England suggests that religious organisations need to do more to highlight the social and spiritual benefits of participation in religion in present day life if they are to increase congregation sizes and attract people of all ages, particularly young people.

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The research looked at the impact of life expectancy on "religiosity" - the extent of religious dedication and expression - and the decisions made by individuals about when to become involved in religion.

Researchers from the University of St Andrews and the University of East Anglia analysed religiosity using a cost-benefit economic model, where decisions at each point in time depend on social and spiritual benefits attached to religious adherence, the probability of entering heaven in the afterlife, as well as the costs of formal religion in terms of time allocated to religious activities.

Dr Geethanjali Selvaretnam, from the University of St Andrews, said: "If you go to many churches there are many older people in the congregation - but in populations like the UK where people are getting older we should not be surprised to find that people are thinking about religion as they get older."

Dr Elissaios Papyrakis, of the School of International Development at UEA, said: "The findings have important policy implications for what churches want to do and how they attract members.

"Many religions and societies link to some degree the cumulative amount of religious effort to benefits in the afterlife. We show that higher life expectancy discounts expected benefits in the afterlife and is therefore likely to lead to postponement of religiosity, without necessarily jeopardising benefits in the afterlife.

"For this reason, religious organisations should be prepared to accept and attract a 'greying church', with membership skewed towards the older generation, particularly in countries which have high life expectancy or expect significant increases in life expectancy, for example due to improvements in medical care.

"In light of rising life expectancy, it is important to emphasise socio-economic and spiritual benefits that can be enjoyed during one's lifetime on Earth.For example, expanding a person's social circle, communal activities, spiritual fulfilment, support and guidance, rather than uncertain rewards in the afterlife.

"In poorer countries where life expectancy remains low, a larger share of the population, both young and old, is concerned about what happens after death, which naturally encourages religious participation."

The study was published online in the International Journal of Social Economics.

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