Gadget: NeuroSky MindWave + MyndPlay

IT was with some trepidation that I positioned the NeuroSky MindWave EEG headset on my forehead.

EEG (electroencephalogram) technology has traditionally been the preserve of medical research labs and usually involves a cap with many sensors and wires being fitted over the entire cranium. NeuroSky have simplified the technology into a £100 headset. The manufacturer claims that the headset “safely measures brainwave signals and monitors the attention and relaxation levels of users as they interact with games, video and learning applications”.

The headset itself is actually as comfortable to wear as a set of headphones. The Star Trek moment came when I could see a pulsating graphical representation of my brainwaves. Scientific research has isolated the triggers for surges in each type of brainwave – alpha waves generally represent relaxation while beta waves show concentration.

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The ten apps, which work with the included MyndPlay software, dynamically utilise these two measures of relaxation and concentration to influence the on-screen action. The selection of apps range from “MyndTFT” Biofeedback Mental Wellbeing apps to Parkour Heroes Action/Gaming apps with prices ranging from free to £9.99. I started with the Parkour app. Shot mostly from a first-person perspective, you’re shown a thief stealing a woman’s handbag, with you in hot pursuit along the streets of London. At various points a red or blue circle appears, indicating whether you need to relax or concentrate. Failure to concentrate led my character to trip, while concentration inspired a ninja-style mid-air somersault to scale a wall and continue the chase.

The technology is still in its early stages, but this is an exhilarating way to learn more about what’s going on inside your head.

NeuroSky MindWave + MyndPlay

£100 from