Film village work to start

VITAL work to protect the Local Hero village of Pennan from devastating landslides will begin next month.

The residents of the Aberdeenshire coastal community, made famous 26 years ago in Bill Forsyth's film, have been waiting anxiously for the go-ahead for a cliff stabilisation scheme since a series of landslides came perilously close to bringing disaster to the village almost four years ago. In August 2007, waterlogged soil threatened to engulf the village as a torrent of mud and water swept down from the cliffs above the village in ten separate landslips.

Aberdeenshire councillors are expected to give the green light to the 600,000 stabilisation scheme next week when they give the go-ahead for the 180,000 contract for the first phase of the work to be awarded to Stonehaven firm MW Donald.

The work has been split into two phases to allow the projectto begin early.