D Day hero farewelled to sound of the pipes

A LONE Scottish piper lamented the D Day hero Bill Millin on his final journey yesterday.

• Piper Andy Buchanan leads the funeral cortge in Essex yesterday as other pipers and veterans pay tribute Picture: Al Stewart

Scotsman Andy Buchanan played as he led the cortge of the D Day piper at his funeral.

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The sun shone for Mr Millin as his family joined members of the Royal British Legion and and fellow pipers in their final salute to the man who will always be remembered for playing his pipes as the Allied troops landed on the Normandy beaches at the start of the invasion.

He was the last piper to lead Scottish troops into battle.

Glasgow-born Mr Millin died last month at the age of 88 in Torbay Hospital from a chest infection. He had spent much of his life in the seaside town of Dawlish, south Devon.

Mr Millin's green beret was laid on top of his flag-draped coffin as the cortge moved slowly behind Mr Buchanan at the crematorium in Exeter.

A floral tribute in the shape of bagpipes was also taken into the chapel for the service which commenorated Mr Millin's life.

Members of the Royal British Legion lowered their standards as the coffin passed by them - and Scottish pipers also saluted and paid their respects to the man dubbed as "mad" by the Germans.