Council chiefs admit errors in gay adoption

CITY council chiefs have admitted mistakes were made in the way they dealt with the grandparents of two children given to a gay couple for adoption.

The move comes after a phone call in which a social worker reportedly told the grandparents they would not be allowed to see the youngsters unless they backed the adoption, and a second call in which the social worker allegedly said they would have no further contact with the children after they went public with their objections to a gay adoption.

Replying to the couple's official complaint, chief social work officer Michelle Miller said she could not comment on the content of the conversation, but it would have been better if staff had held a face-to-face meeting.

"I apologise for any distress that not doing so may have caused."

The 46-year-old grandmother was today quoted saying: "We just want out grandchildren back. The council has not behaved at all well."