Conservation volunteers celebrated at Capital event

more than 100 people have taken part in a special event to celebrate the achievement of conservation volunteers working with Venture Scotland.

The group, many of whom were from disadvantaged backgrounds, carried out work around the Kinlochetive bothy, including dry-stone walling, fencing, building a nursery, lime slaking, and the maintenance of a tree nursery.

They met at the charity's headquarters in Albion Road last week for a special reception to celebrate their work, which was part of a long-term plan to regenerate the area.

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Venture Scotland development worker Rhyddian Knight said: "The working party offers a chance to experience community and meaningful work. We are building cultural identity through working with natural heritage, creating useful and sustainable learning resources."

The initiative was funded by Scottish Natural Heritage, and area officer John O'Keefe said: "It's wonderful to see young people getting a chance to experience some of our wildest countryside. Many volunteers come back inspired to get involved in looking after their local wildlife patch."