Clean-up smokes out dropped cigarettes

A PILOT scheme to cut the amount of cigarette litter in the city centre saw it fall by 70 per cent.

The week-long scheme saw environmental wardens handing out free mini-bins in Rose Street, encouraging shoppers to dispose of cigarette butts.

City environment leader Councillor Robert Aldridge said: "The project went extremely well and really captured the public's imagination.

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"There was a reduction in the number of complaints and an increase in the number of people aware of the cost of cleaning up cigarettes.

"The vast majority of Edinburgh residents and visitors deserve a big thank-you for using litter bins, keeping vigilant and letting us know about graffiti and other litter issues. But we are determined to continue to take the strongest possible action against the irresponsible minority who continue to litter our city."

The pilot, carried out in October, also saw local businesses display posters encouraging people to use bins rather than throw their cigarettes away when entering shops and pubs.

The council said that ten tonnes of litter is dropped in the city centre every week, and costs the city centre 2.4 million a year to clean up litter in the area.