Boos for Ted Cruz after he fails to endorse ex-rival Trump

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas at the Republican rally. Picture: APSenator Ted Cruz of Texas at the Republican rally. Picture: AP
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas at the Republican rally. Picture: AP
Delegates at the Republican National Convention booed Ted Cruz for refusing to endorse Donald Trump '“ clouding an evening intended to highlight vice presidential candidate Mike Pence as a unifying force for the party.

The disorder provided fresh reminders of the fissures that remain.

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Mr Cruz walked onto the Cleveland stage to a standing ovation and held the audience’s rapt attention until he told delegates to “vote your conscience” with no mention of nominee Mr Trump, who had called him “Lyin’ Ted” on the campaign trail.

The crowd then turned on him with loud boos.

Soon after, Mr Pence, in accepting the party’s nomination, sought to bring the party together: “What unites us far exceeds anything that sets us apart in America,” he said.

Mr Trump’s top adviser said former rival Mr Cruz “used very bad judgment” when he addressed the convention without endorsing its presidential nominee.

Paul Manafort told NBC yesterday that Mr Trump invited his primary opponents to address the convention in Cleveland because “he views the primary process as over”.

He added that the Republican Party is coming together, despite believing Mr Cruz “used very bad judgment,” adding that “he was not respectful to the invitation by the convention to come and speak.” Mr Manafort said Mr Cruz “understood what the responsibilities are, someone in his position”.

Meanwhile, MrTrump has said that if he is elected president he may abandon a guarantee of protection to fellow Nato countries.

In an interview he said the US would only come to the aid of allies if they have “fulfilled their obligations to us”. Members of Nato have all signed a treaty that says they will come to the aid of any member that is attacked.

Mr Trump was set to speak last night at the Republican National Convention. In a 
preview of what he will tell convention-goers in his speech, he outlined a foreign policy strategy aimed at reducing US expenditure and involvement abroad.

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Mr Pence has said he is confident Mr Trump would stand by the nation’s NATO allies, but insisted those countries “must pay their fair share” .

Pence told Fox News that a Trump administration would tell US allies “the time has come for them and for their citizens to begin to carry the financial costs of these international obligations”.