Analysis: I'm Weegie, born and bred

Integration and multiculturalism were once concepts we looked up to; now they are the dirtiest words in Europe. Not only should we be banning burkas, we should be "repatriating" Muslims to their "natural homeland". "But I'm a Weegie, born and bred," I protest! What is worrying is the increasing prevalence of people who sympathise with some of these views.

Baroness Warsi's remarks got to the essence of the issue - we are far too obsessed with defining each other depending on race and religion. We are in a relatively good position in Scotland, with the BNP being rejected time and again. As a nation we have accepted that people can be Muslim-Scots, Polish-Scots, Scots-Irish. Let us move away from battles over identity and focus on how our communities contribute towards a more vibrant Scottish tartan.

Humza Yousaf is a community activist.

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