American inquiries cause Canada's immigration site to crash

Canada's immigration website crashed and interest in moving to the country appeared to soar as election results pointed towards a possible win for Donald Trump.

Data from Google Trends suggested searches for “move to Canada” spiked significantly during the night as Trump victories unfolded in key battle states such as Florida and Ohio.

Meanwhile, the Canadian government’s Citizenship and Immigration website failed to load for a period, suggesting it was struggling with demand.

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Canadians took to Twitter to comment on the night’s developments, with #MeanwhileInCanada soon trending in the country.

Caitlin Green tweeted: “If anyone needs me I’ll be drinking maple syrup until I pass out, while singing Oh Canada.”

Singer Marcio Novelli wrote: “Canada is the second largest country in the world with one-tenth of America’s population. We’ve got room.”

And in what many viewed as a reference to the Republican candidate, the official @Canada Twitter account posted: “In Canada, immigrants are encouraged to bring their cultural traditions with them and share them with their fellow citizens.”