Invest your money to help Scotland and the world

If you want your money to work for you and to improve the planet for the future, consider Foresight *Capital at RiskIf you want your money to work for you and to improve the planet for the future, consider Foresight *Capital at Risk
If you want your money to work for you and to improve the planet for the future, consider Foresight *Capital at Risk
Soaring energy prices and volatility of supplies has refocused people’s attention on the need for investment into renewable energy and renewable infrastructure, says a leading industry expert.

If you want your money to work for you now, and to be working to improve the planet for the future, you need to be looking at ethical investments – and Foresight Group can do that for you through its sustainable investment fund. *Capital at Risk

The Foresight Group Holdings Ltd, a London-listed investment company, has been investing for a smarter future for more than 35 years and manages an £8.4 billion portfolio (February 2022) for some of the world’s largest institutional investors, family offices, private and high net-worth individuals. It has offices around Europe, including London and Edinburgh.

Its investment strategies are underpinned by a strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) focus – that means investing money in creating a sustainable legacy for future generations.

Mark BrennanMark Brennan
Mark Brennan

But you don’t have to have millions in the bank to start investing and make your money work harder for you, and to be able to contribute to preserving our planet and its resources.

Partner Mark Brennan is co-fund manager of the FP Foresight Global Real Infrastructure Fund. He explains: “Mobilisation of £3,000 here or £5,000 there can mean people are playing a real part and making a difference. If you invest £5,000, say, from an ISA into stocks of companies which are involved in real insfrastucture, it could be going to help pay for things like a windfarm.”

Why renewables?

The appetite and speed for renewables is increasing and they offer a medium risk to investors, with the goal of achieving consistently good returns.

Foresight Capital Management is the capital management team of Foresight Group, and puts money into those into those companies providing the infrastructure to provide renewable energy – things you can actually see and feel – such as onshore wind farms in Scotland, a solar energy farm in Africa, or a hydro power plant in Canada.

Governments and businesses across the globe are looking towards renewables for our future energy needs and many have made commitments to do so – whether that is concern over climate change or fears about supplies, something which has been brought into sharp focus with recent events in Russia and the Ukraine.

For the person in the street, it means higher energy bills but globally it means a renewed commitment and urgency to source alternative, more sustainable renewable energy supplies.

For those building the wind farms, the solar farms and the hydro power plants it means huge investment in infrastructure over a long period of time – often they have multi-decade cashflows from government and high credit grade counterparties with inflation linkage (that means if inflation goes up, there is a guarantee that the cashflow will keep pace). But for investors like you, this means putting money into something which has a future and which gives risk-adjusted returns, and is contributing to a greener, more stable future for energy sources, says Mark.

The type of projects your money would be invested in include diverting waste from landfill to convert into renewable energy, managing solar power plants and wind farms around the world to power industry with up to 100% renewable energy; acquiring utility scale battery storage assets to balance the grid.

Why the Foresight Capital Management team?

Mark explained Foresight had been investing into the infrastructure asset class for well over a decade – that means not only does the firm have years of experience of these markets but crucially it has a proven and genuine passion and commitment to sustainable investments in infrastructure and renewables.

“In the same way the internal combustion engine transformed the world for decades, what we are saying is with these investments is you can help transform the world for a long time,” he said. “We invest into large companies requiring large amounts of long-term capital. These are middle-risk strategies.”

What sets Foresight apart is its experience with both public and private markets and the fund’s heritage in working with renewable infrastructure.

“What we are seeing at the moment is that soaring energy prices and the security of supply is sharpening the focus of individuals and investors,” Mark said. “We want to raise awareness that ordinary people can invest into renewable energy projects that will have a long term benefit for the man and woman on the street.

To find out more about the fund please visit our website here.

*The value of an investment in the Funds, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the full amount they invest. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. This has been approved as a financial promotion for the purposes of Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by Foresight Group LLP (“Foresight Group”). Foresight Group is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 198020). Its registered office is The Shard, London SE1 9SG. FundRock Partners Limited is the authorised corporate director of the Foresight Global Real Infrastructure Fund and Foresight Group is the investment manager and promoter of the fund. This article does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy new shares in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful. We recommend investors seek professional advice before deciding to invest.

Investors must read the Funds’ Prospectus (“Prospectus”) and Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”) before making an investment decision. The opportunity described in this document may not be suitable for all investors. Attention should be paid to the risk factors set out in the Prospectus. Foresight Group does not offer investment or tax advice. Personal opinions may change and should not be seen as advice or a recommendation. There are a number of other risks connected to an investment in the Funds, including (but not limited to) counterparty risk, liquidity risk and volatility risk. These risks are explained in the Prospectus. The Fund focuses on certain infrastructure assets only and will have less diverse portfolios than the average OEIC.