Some of the pubs within easy walking distance of the Pleasance Courtyard venue.Some of the pubs within easy walking distance of the Pleasance Courtyard venue.
Some of the pubs within easy walking distance of the Pleasance Courtyard venue.

Edinburgh Festival Pubs: Here are 10 of the best pubs within a short walk of the Pleasance Courtyard Fringe venue

From historic boozers to quirky cocktail bars and gourmet pub grub, you're never far from a great pub experience in Scotland's Capital.

For many local and visitors alike Edinburgh in August is all about catching a few shows at the various festivals and enjoying food and drink with friends.

Many of the biggest venues at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe offer a range of food and drink, but much of the seating tends to be exposed to the elements.

Sadly, the Scottish weather is anything but predictable - meaning you've not had the full festival experience until you've stood with a drink in a sudden downpour after watching a comedian in a converted lecture theatre.

Luckily, there are no shortage of (indoor) pubs to enjoy when the heavens open and you need some shelter - or if you just want to escape the crowds for an hour.

Here are 10 of the best that are easy to get to from one of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe's main hubs - The Pleasance Courtyard.

Sadly, the Scottish weather is anything but predictable - meaning you've not had the full festival experience until you've stood with a drink in a sudden downpour after watching a comedian in a converted lecture theatre.